Sunday, April 12, 2009

Luminous Truth

Victory over death -
Prophecy fulfilled -
The Promise of Everlasting Life
In The Holy of Holies -
With Our Creator

It is relatively easy
for the skeptical mind
and the unbelieving heart
to dismiss all of this
as just another fable;
yet the evidence is all there.

If this is all but a fable,
why does the Name of Jesus-Christ
strike fear in the hearts of demons

Then again, one has to admit
the very existence of demons
in the first place
in order to accept this bit of evidence
but it truly shouldn't be all too hard at all
for a mere stroll around the block
will fetch all the evidence that you need
in order to prove THAT...!
There are far more evil souls among us today
than are angelic, saintly ones...
And those evil souls that have truly
gone off the deep end
will tremble at their core
when you'll invoke Christ;
for THEY know Who He Is
better than the most devout-in-appearance
lukewarm church-going "believer"...
Now don't read me all wrong here;
I am not encouraging the career choice
of demonic evolution - at all.
Stay as you are:
still a redeemable sinner
that is bad enough as it is!
And that is as bad as it needs to get...!
Stay as you are,
avoid getting any worse,
sinking into sin further more,
and you may yet be saved indeed
by the Lord of lords - Jesus.

JESUS Was Born
He Was Sent
to Redeem us all.
His Coming,
Triumph over death
As His Return
Are Prophesied
By more than a single source.
The mere existence of evil
corroborates His Holiness
and His Being Our Messiah.
Our Saviour.
Our Redeemer.

It has gotten to a point, nowadays,
that His Suffering,
Sacrifice On The Cross
for all of our sins
is nearly not enough -
as the Adversary has sin
at an all-time high
across the globe.

That is why there is still
so much suffering on the planet:
we all have to chip in, too -
suffer our lot
as Simeon, the man who was called
out of the blue
to help Christ Carry His Cross
all the way to Golgotha.
We have to carry the Cross too.
Until the end of time -
until He Returns.
Sword in His Holy Hand -
to chastise those evil ones
who will never accept Him
as their Lord of lords
and King of kings.

whether they accept Him
or not.

Profession de foi : Je crois en dieu

Je crois en Dieu, le Père tout-puissant,
créateur du ciel et de la terre.

Et en Jésus-Christ, son Fils unique,
notre Seigneur,
qui a été conçu du Saint-Esprit,
est né de la Vierge Marie,
a souffert sous Ponce Pilate,
a été crucifié, est mort et a été enseveli,
est descendu aux enfers,
le troisième jour est ressuscité des morts,
est monté aux cieux,
est assis à la droite de Dieu
le Père tout-puissant,
d'où il viendra juger
les vivants et les morts.

Je crois en l'Esprit Saint,
à la sainte Eglise catholique,
à la communion des saints,
à la rémission des péchés,
à la résurrection de la chair,
à la vie éternelle.



I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord:
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended into hell;
the third day he rose again from the dead;
he ascended into heaven;
sitteth at the right hand of God
the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge
the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Catholic Church,
the communion of Saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.



Creio em Deus Pai, todo-poderoso,
Criador do céu e da terra.

E em Jesus Cristo,
seu único Filho
nosso Senhor.
Que foi concebido pelo poder do Espírito Santo,
nasceu da Virgem Maria,
padeceu sob Pôncio Pilatos,
foi crucificado, morto e sepultado,
desceu a mansão dos mortos,
ressuscitou ao terceiro dia,
subiu aos Céus
está sentado à direita de Deus Pai Todo-Poderoso,
donde há de vir julgar os vivos e mortos.

Creio no Espírito Santo,
na santa Igreja católica,
na comunhão dos santos,
na remissão dos pecados,
na ressurreição da carne,
na vida eterna.



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Watch This:

  1. GOD IS GOD (Juno Reactor)
  2. FEEL THE UNIVERSE (Juno Reactor)
  3. GOD SO LOVED (Jaci Velasquez)
  4. THIS IS GOD (Phil Vassar)
  5. GOD MUSIC (Du Monde)
  6. GOD'S WILL (Martina McBride)
Video Codes by VideoCodeZone.Com

Now let it be clear here
that Du Monde... est immonde!
But their little effort there
Is included here, if only for the
mention that GOD IS COMING
Whether you want it or not!
It is no wonder though
that Du Monde would not want
La Fin Du Monde!

  • Translate blocks of text here

  • Take the quiz:
    What type of Christian are you?

    You are a true Roman Catholic.
    You love your religion.
    You go by the Catechism, verbatum.
    You pray to God and the Saints.
    You believe in prayer for the dead and you believe Jesus is always present to you in the Holy Eucharist.
    You follow your beloved Pope and you try to do the best you can on your pilgrimage on this earth!

    Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

    Another quiz that assumes too much; though a million times better than the earlier quiz, located on the sidebar...
    Not all catholics are exactly like this description above;
    several, like me, don't pray for the dead but rather think that the dead are indeed better off and thus in a far better position to pray (or intercede) FOR US!
    Likewise, we don't go by the Catechism - we go by The Word and that is THE HOLY BIBLE.
    Also, we have respect for the Pope, but that is about it...
    Jesus is the Beloved One and the Redeemer - not any pope!
    We follow Him -JESUS- not just anyone in frocks!
    The quiz maker this time got it absolutely right on one point though: Jesus sure is always present in the wonderful mystery of the Holy Eucharist ~ Amen!

    The video for the track "God Is God" is based on the film 'The Color Of Pomegranates' (1969) directed by Sergei Paradzhanov.

    The Apocalypse - with more music by Juno Reactor - official soundtrack purveyor for Armageddon! "Navras"

    Rurouni Kenshin - all the graphic violence of this lost world - to the tune of "Navras"

    Morientes - a man who knows GOD Gave him his talent... "Pistolero" is by... Juno Reactor!

    Jaci Velasquez' OTHER great song - since they made "God So Loved" unavailable... "Creer En Ti"

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